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The secret to men's sex appeal is? El secreto para atraer a las mujeres es?

What is it? The one thing that makes a man more appealing to us ladies? According to this article....the gift of gab!

What can I say?!? I actually believe this. I mean think about it. How many times have you been at a party or bar or even at the store and someone who isn't necessarily your type strikes a fun convo that leaves you wanting more?!?

How many times have you heard women say 'He wasn't even my type but man we laughed and he made me feel good'...yep! I say SI to this study.

Y entonces?!? Que es??! Muela...ese tipo que te seduce con una conversacion que te deja loca enamorada aun cuando al conocerlo dijiste 'NO ES MI TIPO' ...SI!

De acuerdo a un estudio la mayoria de las mujeres prefieren un hombre que pueda establecer una buena conversacion. En otras palabras el dicho de que nosotras nos enamoran por los oidos y a los hombres por los ojos....ES CIERTO!

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