Miami….the decision trip!

Welcome to Miami...bienvenido a Miami. Sorry, I had to kick this off with that line. So yeah...the past month has been somewhat crazy. Hell, the past 4 months have been a ride. While I've gotten a number of offers it wasn't until now that most of them made sense. With that said I made my way to Miami for what would be my 3rd interview/conversation with a major company. I was so excited and on top of that my Aussie happened to be in town (he travels for work) so we decided it would be cool to leave a few days early and just hang and vent. This person is the one I text after a shitty day at work or pretty much anything and he's always there to listen and give an unbiased opinion. So there I was in the M-I-A with my Australian...

chatting about a life changing decision no matter what I went for. The great thing about Byron is he's been there. He left Australia at an early age and now travels the world thanks to having the courage/cojones to take risks. Soooo after a couple of days of fun (maybe a little too much)

I was on my way to a 6 hour face to face interview with maybe 6 or 7 people who wanted to meet me in person. I wasn't nervous because at the end of the day I'm a firm believer in God always having a plan and if this didn't work then something else was in store. It's a good time for me...I have options and that's a blessing. I know that. As for the interview I had so much fun.

They had a cute little sign with "Welcome Jessica" on it. The staff was amazing and the opportunity as well. It's a risk but I'm sure well worth it. Will I take it?? Time will tell but I will say it's the most unique job ever and yes...I made up my mind. .