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32 Hours of Labor!

Well, hola! Been a hot minute since I've been on here but hey...mama had to do her thing!

Here's a quick recap of my labor and delivery.....

I was scheduled to have Sebastian on my due date 1/05 but he had other plans. The evening of the 2nd I was in my room with my niece and mom and I had just told them I was going to take a hot bath. When.....(cue the suspense music)I stood up and my water broke. I remember feeling so calm while my family jumped for joy. I had my bags ready including my makeup so we grabbed everything and joked our way to the hospital. I remember's about to go down!

We arrived at the hospital and little did I know I would be in in labor for 32 hours!

At first we joked and laughed my family and friends were there cheering me on but once the pain kicked in I was ready to have this baby.

After pushing for almost two freaking hours I finally met my prince. I cried so much and my first words to him "Hola, mi amor, Dios te bendiga' meaning 'Hi my love,may God bless you' all this while crying. We had been through so much. My pregnancy was far from easy and this marked a new beginning.

Abuela was so happy. Sebastian was part of our lives forever.

I couldn't believe it. He was finally here.

This picture was taken once I was moved over to our room.I was so exhausted and didn't even realize I was posing for one of my favorite pics.

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